Variations of Home Theater Sofas

Sofa seating is an excellent way to complement a home theater of any size. These pieces are ergonomically designed and extra padded for comfort for long movie sessions. Spacious pattern…

7 Different Equipment Setups for Home Theaters

Only a few years ago, having a home theater meant a nice television, a VCR, and a remote control.  However, times have changed, and there are tons of components that…

Dispelling Misconceptions of Flat Screens

If you’re in the market for a new TV for your home theater, you are probably debating whether you should purchase a LCD screen or a plasma screen. Before you…

Guide to Building a Home Theater Stage

Having a home theater stage can complete your new home theatre setup. Not only can a flat standing stage make your media room appear grand and striking, it can also…

Home Theater Soffit Construction Guide

  Also known as a bulkhead, bump out, or drop-down, a soffit is an architectural element used to hide ductwork and other ceiling obstructions. It can also add depth to…

Home Theater Installation: When to DIY and When to Pay the Pros

Adding or upgrading a home theater can be a pricey project. Naturally, purchasers start to wonder where they should splurge and where they can save. The usual queries include how…

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